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CLUB STATEMENT: Transgender people and Transphobia

MRRCC is an inclusive club and as such is opposed to transphobia

The club has recently received several messages of both a homophobic and transphobic nature.

Some of these have been on facebook, in response to a recruitment poster that was "boosted" for a wider audience. The "offending" poster is below:

While the nature of some of the comments may have been intended as humorous, others were overtly hostile towards both the club and transgender people generally (despite the poster not specifically mentioning transgender people). These included some rather graphic and offensive memes. All such comments and images have now been removed.

Comments of a more personal nature, which contained implied threats, have also been received via e-mail. These will be forwarded to the police.

We are particularly concerned about the transphobic messages, especially as we strive to ensure our club is a safe space for everyone.

We will stand against transphobia (and, indeed, against all forms of prejudice) and stand with trans people.

Here at Mersey Rose Recreationals CC, everyone is welcome to play cricket without fear of discrimination or prejudice. Transgender people are part of our wider community and they should be part of our cricket community.

As our teams are all mixed-gender without any eligibility criteria other than age, the inclusion of transgender people should not be remotely controversial. We support transgender inclusion - not only on the field but in all aspects of club life. We want transgender people to know they will always be welcome at Mersey Rose Recreationals.

Our club remains committed to ensuring anyone can enjoy the game of cricket, whatever their age, race, gender, religion or sexual identity. We are determined to create a space in which everyone is free to be themselves and we will certainly not be intimidated by hateful messages.



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